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Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 23:11 CDT
From: johnc@mcs.com (John Crookshank)
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com (lightwave)
Subject: RE:PAR pattern flashing
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on 18-Aug-95 05:32:31, Ken VanBrocklin (kvanbroc@ATK.COM) Emailed:
> I read in the PAR doc's you can export a bad anim using the YUV export
> function, and then re-import at a lower block limit using YUV import. I
> haven tried this yet, but It it might save you some re-rendering time if
> it works.
This is a great feature for "fixing" PAR anims that no longer play back
smoothly due to the drive getting filled up, or having the anim being moved
to a slower spot on the drive after a reorganization. The YUV format is the
native PAR file format, so the process of exporting to YUV and then
re-importing the frames is VERY fast, several times faster than importing
IFF frames. There is no conversion or filtering when they are re-imported,
so you don't get any further image degradation by doing this. Unless of
course, you have to drop the Q-factor because the drive is too full.
I've even looked at the "map" function to see which range of frames were
too close to the limit, imported just those to a separate anim at a lower
Q-factor, imported the rest of the frames at the higher Q-factor, and then
spliced the separate anims together again. It fixed a couple of older anims
that were having some playback troubles at certain frames.